St. James has two worship services on Sunday, at 8:00 and 10:00 AM, in the main church, an evening worship service on Thursdays in our Hallam Chapel at 5:00 PM, and a virtual Compline prayer service on Monday evenings at 8 PM.

The 8 AM service  on Sundays is a Rite 2 service and is held in-person only.

The 10 AM service is a sung Rite 2 in-person service with choir that also has Zoom and YouTube connections and is also recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.

The Zoom connections to the 10 AM service are:
Meeting ID: 893 5796 9444
Passcode: 578386
By Phone: 1 929 205 6099
To call from out of the US:

To see the 10 AM service on YouTube live or at any time, visit our YouTube channel here. Closed captioning is available on YouTube.

Compline  (Zoom only) is offered on Monday evenings at 8 PM. To join the Compline Prayer Service each Monday at 8 PM, click here.

Meeting ID: 858 5779 1597   Passcode: 021996   By phone: 1 312 626 679

Lenten and Easter Services and Activities


Wednesday, April 16 - 7:00 PM - Tenebrae Service in Church


Thursday, April 17  - 7:00 PM - Maundy Thursday begins with Agape Meal in the Parish Hall, followed by foot washing and Eucharist, then procession to the church for stripping of the altar and beginning of overnight Vigil in the Hallam Chapel


Friday, April 18 - The Hallam Chapel will remain open throughout the day on Good Friday for prayer, meditation and reflection on the stations of the cross created by a local artist of Enders Island. Hildy Zeigler will lead stations of the cross at 3:00 PM. The Good Friday Liturgy will be held at noon and 7:00 PM in the church.


Saturday, April 19 - 7:00 - Easter Vigil begins in the Courtyard and then moves into the Church. Bring bells!


Easter Sunday, April 20 - 8:00 & 10:00 AM - Holy Eucharist services in the Church

What To Expect When You Come to St. James


Whatever your religious background and however you have come to be here, welcome to St. James Episcopal Church!

In the pew you will find two books that we use in our worship: the red Book of Common Prayer (referred to as BCP in the bulletin) and the blue Hymnal (all music notation preceded by an “S” can be found in the front section). In the distributed Sunday bulletin you will find the service outline and the page references to those two books. If you find it difficult to follow the service at first, please feel free to ask someone near you for assistance. After a few services, it will become easier. Standing, sitting, or kneeling for various parts of the service is a matter only of custom, and you should feel free to assume whatever posture is most helpful to you.

All are welcome to receive Holy Communion. At the time of communion, please come up to the altar rail, taking a small cup at the table for receiving wine. Stand or kneel as you can. The priest will place the bread in your outstretched hands; the chalice bearer will then pour wine into your cup. We also have a gluten-free option if you need it. If you prefer not to receive communion, but would like to receive a blessing, please signal your desire by crossing your arms across your chest. 

We are delighted that you are thinking about joining us for worship. Please join us after the service for  fellowship so we can get to know you better.

New Visitors

St James is an open and affirming congregation of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. St. James welcomes all who come with a warm greeting and a bulletin for the service or a program for the activity. Ushers offer assistance to those who need more orientation to the services. Electronic hearing assistance is available in the areas designated. The church is handicapped accessible. The Eucharist is taken to those who for mobility reasons request communion in the pew. The Eucharist is celebrated at all Sunday and Thursday evening services. The times of services are posted on the parish sign, on the telephone answering message, in the bulletins and on the St. James website. Everyone is verbally invited and welcomed for fellowship and refreshments following each morning service.

Becoming God's People

Parish members worship together and attend to the mission of the Church by service to the greater community. Regular attendance at services is the usual practice for most members. When familiar faces aren't present we inquire, wondering if they are all right. When families return to the New London community for the summer, they are welcomed as the old friends they are. 


The same strong commitment to service to both congregation and community is demonstrated in the lives of St. James' members. A recent parish survey revealed that many parishioners participate in three to seven activities in support of mission life. Whether singing in the choir, serving in the Jumble Shoppe or Lord's Pantry, serving as readers, ushers, greeters or altar guild members, we find our calling and commit ourselves to God's work.

Worship Ministries

A range of activities in our worship time require participation and organization of our members.  Here is a list of the most common activities. All are invited to be involved in worship in one or more ways!

Readers - The lector assignments for Sunday worship include reading the lesson from the Old Testament, the psalm and the epistle and reading the Prayers of the People.

Altar Servers/Ministers of Communion lead the procession in and out of the altar area and assist the clergy in the duties of leading the parishioners in participation in prayer and the Eucharist including distributing the wine in disposable cups to recipients. One server is a part of every service.

Ushers make sure the bulletins are distributed at the doors to the church and the parish hall; unlock doors to the outside; welcome entrants and help answer any questions; count the attendance; bring up the offertory elements and take up the collection; manage the people coming up for communion; direct new members and visitors to the coffee hour in the parish hall; and clear the pews of any bulletins or prayer books left in the seats.

Worship Live Streaming and Recording  takes place at the 10 AM sung service via Zoom and Youtube.

Health Minister - Healing prayer is offered to individuals monthly at Sunday Services. On the Third Sunday of the month, St James has a Healing Service at both the 8:00 and 10:00 am Holy Eucharist services. A health minister will lay on hands and anoint you, praying for your health, or praying with you for someone else's.

Altar Guild  - It is the privilege of the members of the Altar Guild to prepare God’s home for those who wish to enter. From the solemnity of Lent and Good Friday to the exuberance of Christmas and Easter, our group supports one another in presenting the beloved public face of St James Church, cleaning, arranging, setting, changing, organizing and safeguarding the components of the altar area and the worship service.

The Choir  is always looking to add new singers, whether you're a soprano, alto, tenor or base—it’s an important part of our worship. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.  For additional information about joining the choir, email Katherine Brighty at

Coffee Hour  sign-up sheets are posted at the church entrances for volunteers to host coffee hours at either the 8 o'clock or 10 o'clock services.

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