
Christian Formation


Wednesday Morning Book Group: Every other Wednesday morning from 10 – 11 AM on Zoom.  We will discuss Brian McLaren’s Finding Our Way Again. During our first meeting on Wednesday, February 21 at 10 AM in the library, please be ready to discuss the first four chapters. 

The Zoom link is at, Meeting ID: 886 1821 9894, Passcode: 004253.

Lenten Evening Video/Discussion: a 6 week program using Professor Amy Jill Levine’s study, Entering the Passion of Jesus. The first session will meet on Tuesday, February 20 at 6 PM in the parlor and the following sessions (2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 and 3/25) will be on Monday at 6 PM. Each session will last one hour.

Fifth Sunday Breakfast:  In months which have a 5th Sunday coffee hour has a more extensive breakfast and Adult Education sessions take place in the parish hall following both the 8:00 and 10:00 services.

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