Lenten and Easter Services and Activities
Wednesday, April 16 - 7:00 PM - Tenebrae Service in Church
Thursday, April 17 - 7:00 PM - Maundy Thursday begins with Agape Meal in the Parish Hall, followed by foot washing and Eucharist, with procession to the church for stripping of the altar and beginning of the overnight Vigil in the Hallam Chapel
Friday, April 18
- Overnight Vigil continues throughout the day on Good Friday for prayer, meditation and reflection on the stations of the cross
created by a local artist of Enders Island. Noon and 7:00 PM Good Friday Liturgies; 3:00 PM Stations of the Cross in the Church
Saturday, April 19 - 7:00 Easter Vigil begins in the Courtyard and then moves into the Church. Bring bells!
Easter Sunday, April 20 - 8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist services in the Church
St. James has two worship services on Sunday, at 8 and 10 AM, in the main church, an evening worship service on Thursdays in our Hallam Chapel at 5 PM, and a virtual Compline prayer service on Monday evenings at 8 PM.
8 AM service
on Sundays is a Rite 2 service and is held in-person only.
The 10 AM service is a sung Rite 2 in-person service that also has Zoom and YouTube connections and is also recorded and posted to our Youtube channel.
The Zoom connections to the 10 AM service are:
Meeting ID: 893 5796 9444
Passcode: 578386
By Phone: 1 929 205 6099; To call from out of the US: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcRK06nGWL
To see the 10 AM service on YouTube Live, visit our YouTube channel here. Closed captioning is available on YouTube, but be aware that the YouTube Live session will end immediately after the Postlude. The Zoom live session may have a virtual "coffee hour" after the 10 AM service if there a number of people remaining online after the service ends.
Sunday worship service recordings can also be viewed any time on the St. James YouTube Channel by clicking here and selecting from the services listed.
Compline (Zoom only) is offered on Monday evenings at 8 PM. To join the Compline Prayer Service each Monday at 8 PM, click here.
Meeting ID: 858 5779 1597
Passcode: 021996
By phone: 1 312 626 6799
Mid-week Evening Contemporary Worship is offered each Thursday at 5 PM in the Hallam Chapel.
PayPal is available. If you wish to donate electronically for any reason, please go to the DONATE button on this page. This will allow you to select a payment method, amount and purpose.
For updates, reports or pictures of events as they happen, go to our Facebook page by clicking here or to our Instagram account by clicking here. The monthly Google calendar of events can be seen by clicking here. For our semi-monthly newsletter, The Net, click here. To get the newsletter of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, click here.
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